Accomodation Available
- Non AC, Doubble Bed Rooms
- AC, Double Bed Rooms with attached bath
- Special Rooms with attached bath
- AC, 4 Bedded Family Rooms
- Dormitory
Things to Remember
- Sanctity of the Mandir premises must be maintained.
- Checking out time at the Dharmashala is 10.00 a.m.
- Smoking, Gambling and Consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited inside the Mandir premises.
- 24 hour Taxi Activities is available near the Mandir premises
- Remember the address and Telephone Nos. of Matri Mandir, when you are out.
- Main Gate closes at 10:00 pm.
- More than 7 days stay is not permitted.
- Book your accommodation well in advance.
- Management reserves the right of admission.
For Accommodation and Information, please feel free to communicate with the Matri Mandir Office Directly at:
011- 26107945 / 26177438 /46219968matrimandirdelhi@gmail.com / mms@matrimandirdelhi.com